Sunday, August 15

Let's Have Some Fun!

Check out this new widget for fun ways to plan your meals:

Saturday, August 14

Learn to cook, or learn to cook better with online cooking lessons from the 24x7 Cooking School!

Whether you are a novice or an expert, there are recipes and cooking tips on this site for you! Experienced cooks looking for new methods and recipes will be delighted with some of the dishes and recipes presented here.

Free Diet and Weight Loss Tips

Here are some free diet and weight loss tips:

Eat Consciously
This means be aware of WHY you eat. These days it is rare for us to eat simply because we are hungry. Oftentimes there is a trigger which can come about unconsciously. For example Betty was worried that if her husband quit his job she would be burdened by the role of sole bread winner. He casually brought up the matter in a conversation over the phone but while they moved onto other topics that stressful feeling she was unable to describe had resurfaced.

Moments later, having forgotten about the conversation with her husband, Betty suddenly felt a craving for chocolate cake. Yes the dark moist kind that can only be found at special bakeries in her neighborhood. As she picked up her purse to head out the door she began to think about why she had suddenly felt the need for chocolate cake. She thought through the last 30 minutes and realized her conversation with her husband had triggered her actions. Betty decided she would not punish her body for something her husband had not even committed to, so she turned back and head back home.

Eat Frequently and Eat Slowly
When you eat frequently your body no longer feels the need to store food as fat.
When you eat slowly you give your body time to digest the meal, and you therefore feel full faster. Check up to 25 times per bite. ‘Nuff said!

Eat More Fruits, Vegetables and Whole Grains
Believe it or not our bodies were not meant to eat hoards of meat. So rather than have vegetables with your meat, you should have meat with your vegetables. The Japanese use meat to flavor their meals, and so should you. They live the longest and this is one of the reasons why.
Your diet should consist of 75% fruit and vegetables. Try to eat them raw because when they are raw your body must work harder to digest them, and you expend more energy on digestion.

Reduce Your Sugar and Salt Intake
“Low fat” means “more sugar”. We’ll say it again. “More fat” means “MORE SUGAR”
Sugar gives your body a false sense of fullness then when you next become hungry, you crash into starvation mode and eat more than you ever imagined. So all that “low fat” nonsense is not entirely helpful after all. It’s better to stick to natural sugars like maple syrup and honey which give you true energy. For example it’s better to add maple syrup or honey to natural yogurt than it is to have a low fat yogurt because the former is more natural and closer to what Mother Earth made.
Salt intake should be reduced to reduce swelling in your legs and hands. Swelling is a result of poor circulation caused by excessive salt in the diet. Reduce your salt intake gradually by supplementing with seasoning first. Sea salt is also a better alternative to regular table salt.

Water makes the world go around, and makes your bowels move. There is no point in eating healthy only to have waste materials sitting in your intestines for eternity. Water will flush it out so drink at least 6 to 8 glasses a day. How does one drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day you ask? Follow this plan:
• As soon as you wake up have a glass of water
• At mid morning drink another glass
• Have another glass at lunch
• And yet another mid afternoon
• Have a glass early evening
• Have 2 glasses during / after exercise
• Have another glass before bed time.
It’s so EASY!

Many of us hate the word exercise while others thrive and become charged up just from hearing it. Whatever category you fall, exercise is just a word. Get up and walk. Walk to the gate, walk down the stairs, walk to the grocery store. Find a park and walk there. Grab your iPod and let the music take you to another place. Before you know it your body will be urging you to get up and go for a walk, which will become a jog, then a log run like a marathon. It’s all about taking baby steps and believing in yourself. If you can’t walk, do what you can to make your heart rate increase.

Sunday, July 25

Best Diet Books

These days there are so many choices regarding diet and weight loss that it can get very confusing. So far my blog has discussed options for diet and weight loss for emotional eaters, diet and weight loss for those with busy schedules and therefore need diet food delivered, diet and weight loss due to doctors orders, diet and weight loss for those on a budget, and finally I also have discussed diet and weight loss for a good online weight loss program. Some of you have found my links useful so I thought I'd do a bit of research on diet books on

Before the Internet I think most of us used books for information on the best diets.  While books are still very popular they continue to face stiff competition from competitors such as downloadable audio books and the Internet.  Luckily Amazon offers a combination of both so whatever you choose, you win.
The top 3 books I found on Amazon have the title "THIN" in them which kinda disappoints me because the goal of diet and weight loss is to be healthy, not "THIN".  But I guess "THIN" sells doesn't it, even though most people are NOT THIN!  It's all psychological.  Anyway I've shown the top selling book below, and I've added the customer feedback I found to be the most informative - good or bad.

I Can Make You Thin: the Revolutionary System Used By More than 3 Million People - By Martin Russell "Self Help Doctor"
Best Customer Review -  611 of 624 people found the following review helpful:
"For almost 3 years now I have been handing this book and 'mind-reprogramming' CD to every patient who comes to me to lose weight, or who is caught up in the mentality of diets, scales, cravings, or overeating.  I am *delighted* that this version of "I Can Make You Thin" is finally available on rather than having to hunt it from the UK site. The long wait is over!  At the risk of making this book seem too simple, here are Paul McKenna's 4 golden rules...

            1. When you are hungry, eat.

            2. Eat what you want (not what you think you "should".)

            3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.

            4. When you are full stop.
McKenna needs to be given great credit for showing people HOW to live these habits. Hopefully you are buying this for the results, not just to have a fun read and a relaxing, new-wavy listen.  As a doctor, I have counseled people who thought it didn't work for them, but it turned out they hadn't gotten the rules into their behavior, so here are some extra pointers...
            - Just listening to the CD over and over doesn't seem to be enough. The book plays a big part too. Expect to re-read the book at least once. You can succeed without the CD, so if it doesn't suit you, no sweat.
            - Don't add more rules. Extra rules almost always conflict with the four golden rules. Must eat breakfast? No. Just eat when you are hungry. Have to eat only fresh food? Check you really want to eat it, and whether you might want to eat anything else a bit more. Etc, etc.
            - Having trouble visualizing? Just act 'as if' you are visualizing, or on the CD just leave it to Paul.
            - Don't make exercise the focus. Improved fitness will improve your chances of living longer, but unfortunately the best research evidence is that exercise doesn't help much in losing weight. Keep to the four rules, which are all about food and getting back in control.
            - If you have a question or a difficulty, the answer is somewhere in the book. The book alone truly is comprehensive (unlike watching YouTube videos or reading this review.) Indeed the updates have covered the two or three remaining gaps I had found before, including the extra information for self-sabotage issues." we wrote the book on low prices
Geez that was a long review but I think well worth reading if you are serious about making the best decision for your diet and weight loss program.  I have a copy of this book and tend to agree with the reviewer although I do feel it is easier said than done.  I think purchasing the diet and weight loss CD in addition to the diet and weight loss book would be a good idea because a voice can keep you more motivated whereas a book can be tossed aside.

Other popular diet and weight loss reads are as follows:

Friday, July 16

Tony Little-America's Personal Trainer

Tony Little, America's Personal Trainer, has a wide variety of products offered on his website.... .
One of the things I lack is the mental fortitude to stick to a diet and exercise plan.  Tony Little's plan recognizes this and includes tools to help you overcome such obstacles.  Tony has first hand experience with tough life experiences.  When he was younger he was blind sided by a bus which left him physically and emotionally destroyed.  He spiralled into severe depression, and it was only when he hot rock bottom in 1985 that he decided to turn his life around.  Many weight issues are caused by emotional and physical pain (for example swollen feet - CLICK HERE to buy Tony Little SPECIAL SHOES)  so I highly recommend this program for people with emotional eating problems.

Tony Little also offers the world's greatest sleep pillow. CLICK HERE to BUY IT! 

Tony Little, America’s Personal Trainer, has sold over $3 billion dollars in fitness products throughout eighty-one countries. More than 40,000,000 people have benefited from his exercise programs. Tony was inducted into the Fitness Hall of Fame in 2006. Few trainers are world renowned. His “HyperActive” personality and “You Can Do It” phrase are known worldwide. Tony Little has been in the business of providing health and fitness solutions for over 20 years.